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The Learning Boulevard Blog

A simple meditation guide for your classroom
How do you get started with mediation? Here is a simple guide to help you bring meditation into your classroom for your students.

6 ways to homeschool that most parents don’t think about
The beauty of choosing homeschooling is that the environment can be easily adapted to the needs of the students and their families.

What is the difference between tutoring and educational therapy?
To put it simply, tutoring focuses on content and educational therapy focuses on process. Let’s take a deeper look into what each of these types of educators offer…

How to make DIY multicolored crayons
As an educator, I am always interested in fun DIY ideas that can end up as classroom supplies and teaching aids. Here is an activity that requires little effort, yet makes a colorful splash…

The road to intrinsic motivation
One of the most rewarding experiences is when a child makes the switch from extrinsic to intrinsic, when they become proud of their work because it makes them feel pleased and successful. So, how do we encourage the switch from the prize box to warm fuzzy feelings?

5 ways to improve phrasing while reading aloud
When students takes turns reading with a teacher, the students have the opportunity to hear the phrasing and cadence used by the teacher. This gives students a model to listen to and learn from.

How this teacher made a simple connection to solve a complex problem
I realized that if I wanted her to be successful, I would have to teach her in a way that she would actually have interest, stay engaged, and listen.

5 tricks that brought this middle schooler from distress to success!
Over the course of two months, reading tests results showed that she went from a 4th grade level to a 10th grade level! So, what happened over those two months? How did Sarah reach such a high level of confidence and academic achievement? Here’s how…